How to Clean Pillows and Dry them?

How to Clean Pillows and Dry them

Pillows can accumulate dirt, oil, sweat, and bacteria over time, making them a breeding ground for germs and causing them to lose their fluffiness and comfort. Cleaning your pillows regularly can not only improve their hygiene but also extend their lifespan.

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First, check the care label for any specific instructions and determine the type of pillow you have, whether it’s feather, down, synthetic, or memory foam. Different materials require different cleaning methods. Next, choose a gentle cycle on your washing machine and use mild detergent and cold water. After washing, place the pillows in the dryer on a low heat setting and add a few clean tennis balls to help maintain their shape. It may take several cycles in the dryer to fully dry the pillows. Once they are dry, fluff them by hand to restore their shape and loft. By following these simple steps, you can keep your pillows clean, fluffy, and comfortable for a good night’s sleep.

Advise in the US doctor: How to Clean Pillows and Dry them

  • Replace your pillows every 1-2 years: Over time, pillows can lose their shape, become flat, and harbour allergens. Replacing your pillows every 1-2 years can help ensure a good night’s sleep and maintain a healthy sleeping environment.
  • Wash your pillows regularly: Depending on usage, most pillows should be washed every 6-12 months. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s care instructions, as some pillows may require spot cleaning, hand washing, or machine washing.
  • Use allergen-proof pillow covers: Using allergen-proof pillow covers can help keep dust mites and other allergens at bay and can be easily removed and washed.
  • Avoid harsh chemicals: When washing pillows, it is important to avoid harsh chemicals, such as bleach, as they can damage the fibres and cause discolouration.
  • Vacuum regularly: In between washings, vacuuming your pillows regularly can help remove dust and other particles, and keep them free of allergens.

How to care for your pillows: Guidens step by step

  • Improved Air Quality: By removing dust, skin cells, and other allergens, cleaning your pillows can help improve the air quality in your bedroom, reducing the risk of allergies and other health issues.
  • Extended Lifespan: Regular cleaning of your pillows can extend their lifespan, ensuring that you have a comfortable and supportive surface to rest on each night.
  • Refresh Appearance: Cleaning your pillows can also help to refresh their appearance and remove unpleasant odours, keeping them looking and smelling fresh.
  • Healthier Sleep Environment: By maintaining a clean and healthy sleeping environment, you can improve your overall health and well-being, and enjoy a better night’s sleep each night.
  • Allergen Reduction: Using allergen-proof pillow covers and vacuuming regularly can help reduce the presence of allergens, making it easier to breathe and reducing the risk of skin irritation and respiratory issues.
  • Easy Maintenance: With the proper care, cleaning your pillows can be an easy and quick process, taking just a few minutes to refresh and maintain their appearance.
  • Cost-Effective: Regularly cleaning your pillows is a cost-effective way to improve your sleeping environment, and can help prevent the need for frequent replacements.

Can pillows be dry-cleaned?

Dry cleaning is a method of cleaning that uses solvents rather than water to remove dirt and stains from textiles. Some pillows, such as those filled with feathers, down, or synthetic materials, can be dry cleaned to extend their lifespan and maintain their appearance.
Here are some key points to consider when dry-cleaning pillows:

  • Check Care Label: Make sure to check the care label on your pillows before dry cleaning to ensure that this method is appropriate for the type of pillow and the fill material.
  • Professional Cleaning: It is best to have your pillows dry cleaned by a professional cleaner who has the expertise and equipment to handle delicate fabrics and delicate fill materials.
  • Solvents: Dry cleaning solvents are used to remove dirt and stains from pillows, but some solvents may be harsh and can cause damage to the fibres or discolouration. Make sure to choose a professional cleaner who uses gentler, eco-friendly solvents.
  • Drying: After dry cleaning, it is important to let your pillows air out thoroughly and allow them to dry completely before using them. Overdrying or exposing the pillows to direct sunlight or high heat can cause damage to the fibres and reduce their lifespan.
  • Cost: Dry cleaning can be more expensive than machine washing, so be prepared to budget accordingly.

How to clean couch pillows

Coach pillows refer to pillows that are designed and marketed by Coach, a luxury fashion and lifestyle brand. These pillows are often made from high-quality materials, such as down or synthetic fibres, and are designed to provide comfort and support for a good night’s sleep.
Here are some key features of Coach pillows:

  • Material: Coach pillows are often made from high-quality materials, such as down, feathers, or synthetic fibres, that are designed to provide comfort and support.
  • Comfort: Coach pillows are designed to provide the right amount of support and comfort for a good night’s sleep, helping to reduce neck and back pain and promote proper spinal alignment.
  • Style: Coach pillows come in a variety of styles and sizes to fit a range of sleeping preferences, including standard, queen, king, and body pillows.
  • Brand Recognition: Coach is a well-known and trusted brand, and their pillows are associated with luxury, quality, and style.
  • Cost: Coach pillows can be more expensive than other pillows, but the high-quality materials and design often justify the cost for those who are looking for a luxury sleeping experience.

Can dirty pillows cause acne?

Dirty pillows can contribute to acne and illness by harbouring dust, skin cells, oils, and bacteria. Sleeping on a dirty pillow can cause your skin to come into contact with these contaminants, leading to breakouts and skin irritation. Additionally, inhaling dust and allergens from dirty pillows can trigger allergic reactions and respiratory issues, leading to a stuffy nose, sneezing, and other symptoms. By cleaning your pillows regularly, you can help reduce the risk of acne and illness and maintain a clean and healthy sleeping environment.

why we love it

  • Improved Air Quality: By removing dust, skin cells, and other allergens, cleaning your pillows can help improve the air quality in your bedroom, reducing the risk of allergies and other health issues.
  • Extended Lifespan: Regular cleaning of your pillows can extend their lifespan, ensuring that you have a comfortable and supportive surface to rest on each night.
  • Refresh Appearance: Cleaning your pillows can also help to refresh their appearance and remove unpleasant odours, keeping them looking and smelling fresh.

Take note

  • Time-Consuming: Depending on the type of cleaning, it can be time-consuming to wash or spot clean pillows, and may require extra effort to properly care for them.
  • Risk of Damage: If not done properly, cleaning your pillows can cause damage to the fibres or cause discolouration, reducing their lifespan and comfort.


It depends on usage, but most pillows should be washed every 6-12 months.

It depends on the type of pillow and the manufacturer’s care instructions. Some pillows may need to be spot-cleaned, hand-washed, or machine washed.

It is not recommended to use harsh chemicals, such as bleach, as they can damage the fibres and cause discolouration. It is best to follow the manufacturer’s care instructions and use gentle detergents.

Using allergen-proof pillow covers and vacuuming regularly can help reduce the presence of allergens, making it easier to breathe and reducing the risk of skin irritation and respiratory issues.

Regular cleaning and proper care, along with replacing your pillows every 1-2 years, can help extend the lifespan of your pillows and maintain a comfortable and supportive sleeping surface.


In conclusion, cleaning your pillows is an important aspect of maintaining a healthy and comfortable sleeping environment. By removing dust, skin cells, and allergens, cleaning your pillows can improve the air quality in your bedroom, extend their lifespan, and refresh their appearance. With proper care, you can enjoy the benefits of a clean and healthy sleeping environment, improving your overall health and well-being. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s care instructions, use gentle detergents, and replace your pillows every 1-2 years to ensure the best possible sleeping experience. So, make sure to include cleaning your pillows in your regular home maintenance routine for a cleaner, fresher, and more comfortable sleeping environment.