Should you wash new bed sheets before use – 7 Better Healthline

Should you wash new bed sheets before use – 7 Better Healthline

Bed sheets are an essential part of your bedding, providing comfort and hygiene for a good night’s sleep. However, did you know that washing new bed sheets before using them can have significant health benefits? It’s a common practice to wash new bed sheets before using them, but is it really necessary?

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According to Healthline, washing new bed sheets before use can help remove any harmful chemicals, dirt, and residue that may be present in the manufacturing process. This can not only improve the quality of your sleep but also reduce your exposure to potential irritants and allergens. Furthermore, washing new bed sheets can also help remove any sizing or finishing agents that may affect their feel and softness.

On the other hand, washing new bed sheets before use can also cause shrinkage, fading, or damage to the fabric. Therefore, it’s important to follow the care label instructions and use a gentle cycle and mild detergent. By taking the time to wash new bed sheets before use, you can ensure a healthier and more comfortable sleeping environment.

how to clean bedsheets

Cleaning bedsheets regularly is important for maintaining good hygiene and prolonging the life of your bedding. Here’s a simple process for cleaning your bedsheets:

First, check the care label for specific instructions as different types of fabric may require different washing methods. Next, separate your bedsheets by colour and wash them in a machine using warm water and mild detergent. Avoid using fabric softeners, as they can clog the fibres and reduce the sheets’ absorbency. Tumble dry the sheets on a low heat setting or hang them to air dry. Finally, iron the sheets if desired. Remember to change your bedsheets at least once a week to ensure a clean and comfortable sleeping environment.

how to dry bedsheets

Drying your bedsheets properly is important to prevent damage and ensure they maintain their shape and softness. Here are some tips for drying your bedsheets: Tumble dry the sheets on a low heat setting to prevent shrinkage and excessive wrinkling. Avoid over-drying as it can cause the fibres to become brittle and break, reducing the lifespan of your bedding.

If you prefer air drying, hang the sheets outside in the sun and wind, or in a well-ventilated indoor area. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can cause fading. Once the sheets are dry, fold them neatly and store them in a cool and dry place. Make sure they are completely dry before putting them on your bed to prevent any dampness or mildew growth. Proper care and attention to detail during washing and drying will help keep your bedsheets fresh and comfortable.

why we love it

  • Hygiene: New bed sheets can contain various chemicals and residue from the manufacturing process, washing them will help to remove these and ensure the bedding is clean and hygienic.
  • Comfort: Washing can help to soften the fabric, making the sheets more comfortable to sleep on.
  • Allergies: New bed sheets can also contain dust mites and other allergens, washing them will help to remove these and reduce the risk of an allergic reaction.

Take note

  • Shrinking: Washing new bed sheets can cause them to shrink, which can affect the fit and overall look of the sheets.
  • Fading: Washing can also cause the colour of the sheets to fade, particularly if they are washed in hot water or dried on high heat. It’s important to follow the care instructions on the label to minimize the risk of fading.


Most people should wash their fabrics one time per week. If you don’t sleep on your mattress every day, you may be capable of prolonging this to once every two weeks or so. Some people should wash it even more often than earlier a week.

Brand new bed sheets may appear crisp, clean, and ready to have slept. However, the truth is were they produced in a factory & it would be a good idea to wash them before first use.

Wash your sheets for the first time using 1 cup of baking soda. Use warm water or cold water and wash your sheets with baking soda.

Always wash your new pillows before use. Most of the reasons that new pillows might be unclean are not apparent to the naked eye.

Without washing them 1st, you could undergo itching or skin irritation when you hit the hay.


In conclusion, washing new bed sheets before using them is a personal preference, but it is recommended to do so in order to remove any unwanted chemicals, dirt, and residue that may have accumulated during the manufacturing and packaging process. Doing so also helps to soften and improve the feel of the sheets. However, it is important to consider the type of material and care instructions before washing as some delicate or high-end sheets may require special treatment. Ultimately, washing new bed sheets can improve the overall comfort and hygiene of your bed, making it a worthwhile investment for your sleep and health.